Maximizing Monday
While I’m working on a new blog series I figured I’d do some quick posts just to keep the fun going.
I try to take Mondays and assign myself to rest. Most people would say it’s my day off, but a few years ago I started thinking that I don’t want to be “off”. I’ve never found anywhere that says Jesus took a day off, it says, “He rested”. The ministry is a lifestyle that if commited to, you should be able to live, work , play and rest all at the same time. Therefore, we created “you’re being assigned to rest today”. We like those assignments…;)
After the full weekend events, it can be very easy to just be extremely lazy and get nothing accomplished. Therefore I go to work on Mondays. Yep, you read correctly, I work for myself. Mondays are my days to make sure I’m taking care of me. You are responsible to take care of you. Here are some things that I do and at the end of the day I’m so thankful that I’ve maximized my day.
- Wake up at normal time.
- Personal items before noon. (Errands, Laundry, Grocery Shopping, Etc)
- Check in with email/employees who are assigned to work that day. (Today consisted of a 2hour video chat with Jeffrey on some cool projects)
- Read- (Bible, Blogs, Articles, People in the mall. etc)
- Learn- (Asked the Chick-Fila manager today why they have so many employees on at one time.)
- Call a friend (Someone who I might text all the time but never pick up the phone and talk to.)
- Think- I try to think about whatever is coming up next. (Event idea, episode title, staff meeting) I want to keep my creative muscle flexed all the time. You never know when a great idea while come knocking at your door.